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The right blog engine.

I'm not happy with the way I post content online:

With a classical blog engine, it would be complex to reflect these changes over time: Sure, the post listing could be updated because of some changes in a post content, but that would mean that this posts would be the most fresh of all.

Host or not to host ?

For now, I prefer to be hosted.

I have a docker instance at home, with some non-critical services that run 24/7. There are some uptime problems for now, and I didn't take the time to investigate them. Moreover, I haven't found an ideal solution of deployment. I'd like to have a file (or a set of files) that deploy all the services, along with some backup utilities. If I'm successful at building something resilient enough for my needs, I'll reconsider my choice.

Updates as a zen git diff

todo: Refactor this section.

Here's an example of a classic blog organization.

Here's what I'd like to have.

Each topic listingwould have some tag or color meaning the freshness of the last update. This way, we could easily distinguish active and inactive topics.

Each topic page could have a sort of table of contents, detailing their last update date:

I would really like a git history / git diff view, not in two parts but in a single part, when you could unwrap parts that were deleted if you want.

Each topic would really be like a versionned file, not static at all in time.

migrated from new post format

Time has passed since my last complaint about CMS/blog systems. In a quite old post I was saying some things (mainly to myself) about how I'd like to post content online.

In a nutshell, my complain is: I rarely write one-shot huge articles. Rather, I add content on multiple pages from time to time. I would also like to keep a temporality on these edits (ie. an old article that just got updated should be bumped to the top of the post list, and the new content should appear more clearly. And edits count.

In a way, I'm describing a fancy VCS-like system.

Recently, I stumbled upon this post by Pete Corey, describing literate commits, that seems to be not so far away of something that I'd like to have.

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